Welcome to our new and improved Disability website!
Our goal is to use this site as an evolving resource for all those of you taking advantage of our disability programs. We'd invite you to explore this site, check back often and please don't hesitate to reach out with any questions or comments. |
NEW PARTNERSHIP ANNOUNCEMENT - 1/1/2021Effective Jan 2021, the for profit subsidiary of WACOPS, Public Safety Employees Insurance, Inc., (PSEII) has elected LBG Advisors, LLC ( the broker of record for the insurance products offered by PSEII to all members of the Washington Council of Police & Sheriffs.
The decision to partner with LBG Advisors was made after a thorough review of qualified candidates. Based on their track record with first responders and proven experience designing enhanced disability programs, the PSEII Board was confident in moving forward with LBG Advisors and anticipates a continued excellence in disability insurance products (as well as other exciting offerings). WACOPS, An Influential Organization As a member of WACOPS you’re part of the largest, oldest, and most influential organization representing law enforcement professionals in Washington State. The PSEII Board of Directors believes it should leverage that influential position to establish itself as the premier source for disability insurance for law enforcement professionals; we’re confident this new relationship with LBG Advisors will allow us to achieve that objective. |
This web site is not a legal document. This web site is not a guarantee of coverage, eligibility, or provider status and is designed for informational illustration only. Benefits outlined on this web site are subject to change at any time. Please consult your benefit plan provider(s) or administrator(s) for legal documents regarding your plan and to check coverage and/or eligibility. LBG Advisors does not provide tax or legal advice. Please consult your legal and tax advisor.